Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I stole this from a fellow blogger. Thot it'd be cool. ENJOY!

[ RED ]
1. Closest red thing to you? Rubber band on my desk.
2. Has anyone ever cheated on you in a relationship? I think the more appropriate question would be Has anyone NEVER NOT cheated?
3. Last thing to make you angry? Harmattan
4. Are you a fan of romance? I’m a fan of reality. Romance is dead!
5. Have you ever been in love? I thought I was all of the TIMES lol
6. Do you have a temper? Nope… can’t be arsed to get flustered about anything.

1. Closest green thing to you? N200 note in my bag
2. Do you care about the environment? Very much so… I only buy beauty products that support Community Trade
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now? Yeah… anyone in bed rite now!
4. Are you a lucky person? Only when I don’t need it.
5. Do you always want what you can't have? What’s the challenge in life if I only want what I can have.
6. Are you Irish? Yeah as Irish as they come in Isale Eko...

1. Last purple thing you saw? My 2007 planner
2. Like being treated to expensive things? Like been treated PERIOD!
3. Do you like mysterious things? I’m drawn to mysterious things/people
4. Favorite type of chocolate? White
5. Ever met any royalty? My friend Ricardo in Atlanta. He’s a queen! lol
6. Are you creative? With the abstract- yes, with the physical- NO!!!
7. Are you lonely? Alone but never lonely.

[ BLUE ]
1. Closest blue thing to you? Jeans
2. Are you good at calming people down? I have no patience for people who are NOT calm.
3. Do you like the ocean? Luv it! Would live on the ocean except I can’t swim
4. What was the last thing that made you cry? Extreme Makeover- Home Edition (but I was on my period) so I was HORMONE CENTRAL!!!
5. Are you a logical thinker? Only when it’s not needed ☺
6. Can you sleep easily? Clinically diagnosed insomniac over here!
7. Do you prefer the beach or the woods? The beach

1. Closest yellow thing to you? The trashcan under my desk
2. The happiest time(s) of your life? Can’t say I’ve ever been giddy enough to remember
3. Favourite holiday? Back in the day when I used to come to Lagos for Xmas.
4. Are you a coward? Why? U feeling froggy?
5. Do you burn or tan? BURN… like the skin gets wrinkled & starts to peel.
6. Do you want children? NO
7. What makes you happy? Being by myself.

[ PINK ]
1. Closest pink thing to you? My laptop bag
2. Do you like sweet things? Food? Yes People? No
3. Like play-fighting? It’s the only way to play… or fight.
4. Are you sensitive? No
5. Do you like punk music? I most probably would if I listened to it long enough.
6. What is your favourite flower? Tulips
7. Does someone have a crush on you? I doubt it.

1. Closest orange thing to you? The inside of my bag.
2. Do you like to burn things? Yes
3. Dress up for Halloween? Why? Who died?
4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person? Nope!
5. Do you prefer the single life or the security of a relationship? I prefer the security of a single life. What am I gonna do when I’m tired of myself? Walk out on my own skin?
6. What would your super power be? The power to see the real intentions of the heart.

1. Closest white thing to you? My laptop
2. Would you say you're innocent? Yeah… why? Did u hear otherwise?
3. Always try to keep the peace? No I’m a sh*t stirrer! lol
4. How do you imagine your wedding? I’ve never imagined my wedding.
5. Do you like to play in the snow? No I don’t have hair that allows me to play in extreme weather conditions.
6. Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentist? I’ve been going to the dentist since I was 5. I’m scared when I don’t go! Never been to a doctor in my life!

1. Closest black thing to you? My cell phone
2. Ever enjoy hurting people? It’s usually never my intention to but I get a kick out of overly sensitive people.
3. Are you sophisticated or silly? I can be extremely both.
4. Do you have a lot of secrets? A whole lot more than Victoria!
5. What is your favourite colour(s)? Earth tones and pink
6. Does the colour you wear affect your mood? I don’t think so and if it did I’d be one sad puppy cos I’m always in black.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh.. your fan-fucking-tastic!!! I absolutely love your wit... you honestly kill me cos I think exactly like this sometimes... def. a huge fan of yours!!!

MOT said...

Thank u thank u thank u... Luv ur blog as well & no I'm not patronizing u.