Thursday, July 14, 2005


I've always taken that quote for granted. I can honestly say that I know now the feeling of euphoria which Martin Luther King Jr. (God rest his soul) meant for us to feel at the utterance of these words.

I am happy to announce that no longer will I be sitting at my desk feigning "typing up reports" YES! People... I have a new job. One with "real" responsibilities.
I am more excited that I will be working in an area that is truly my passion and something that I want to do with my life (not necessarily as a paying job). Miss Oprah would be so so proud of me.

I want to thank those that have listened as I have "bitched" month after month and hope that now I will call and talk about how fulfilled I am in my new position.

My cousin, my sister, my best friend... you're phenomenal. Every woman should take a page from your book. You're truly an inspiration.
Thank you for words of encouragement and for allowing me to realize when one door closes, it always best to look for an open window instead of giving up.

Of course I will be back after a weekend of CELEBRATING... and oh yeah my "no drinking policy" (yeah I recently gave up drinking... that's a whole 'nother story)
is taking a hiatus in commemoration of this EVENT... Partying begins at Happy Hour Friday evening. T.G.I.F!!!
Of course I will be sharing more of my experiences with all you wonderful people. I just needed an outlet for all this excitement.
More as and when....

P.S. Those are the designated partying shoes for tomorrow...yeah baby!!!

"Never be bullied into silence, never allow youself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; DEFINE YOURSELF!" - Harvey Fierstein

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