Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Over the weekend, I was having a conversation with a friend and we started to discuss another friend whose philandering boyfriend’s only requirement for the opposite sex is: BREATHING. Of course I was quick to judge and I jumped into my ‘Destiny’s Child-esque’ mode (on the 2nd album anyway) I was in male-bashing mode, shooting off at the mouth about how she can do bad all by herself and how she needs therapy for low self-esteem.
Then my friend asked me “In this day and age, if you were her, would you leave your man?” and then I shut up. I got to thinking… Would I? This time last year, if you had asked me that question I would’ve given you a straight answer- HELL YES! Today, I don’t know.

See ladies in the last 7 months, I have gradually started to adjust my thinking. I am now in Lagos where the ratio of fine women to any kind of man is a gajillion to one (I exaggerate ;-) but it’s close :-(
My personal thoughts on this phenomenon is that this is part of the “Garden of Eden” curse and part of the conspiracy of course is that those MEN who rewrote history conveniently left out the “outnumbering factor” plus they thought excruiciating child labor made for a better read in the Holy Book (go figure!)

I am getting 'schooled' in the techniques of keeping a man... it is a jungle out there! U either take down or get taken down especially when you have a good one. That's pathetic!

We are all guilty of following our hearts when we fall in love and “persevering” (a nice way of saying we become sh*t takers) but at what point do you stop loving yourself in the name of loving him?

When will you get a break from broken promises, your broken heart, and a broken spirit?
Most importantly if real love means loving someone as much as you love yourself, if the tables were turned, would he be virtuous enough to stay?

In the meantime, I’m still pondering the answer to the question. I still don’t know but this much I do know; Oscar Wilde said it best “To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance” and ladies no man’s going to love you like you love you but God.
If you do find one though, he's a keeper... hold on tight! There are vultures out there! lol

I'll be back to fully explore the highly over-rated double standards that women are subjected to… (we might have to go back to burning bras!!!)

1 comment:

Don Chi as Blog Marley a.k.a. El Senor Supremo said...

"So love Jay with your mind girl and not your heart..." - Jay-Z